
RumiLick Rainfos P9

RumiLick Rainfos P9 - V24939

Rumilick Rainfos P9 is a mineral, trace mineral supplement for cattle and sheep during the growing season. It is a ready-mixed phosphate lick with 50% higher phosphate levels than a traditional P12/salt mixture. It is much more palatable to help support sufficient intake of a phosphorus lick. The product has rain-resistant characteristics to limit product losses during rainstorms. It also contains rumen-stimulating nutrients, which help to increase the utilization of grazing by better rumen bacteria functioning.

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  • Mineral and trace mineral supplement for cattle and sheep
  • Ready mixed phosphate lick with 50% higher phosphate levels than a traditional P12/salt mixture.
  • Rain resistant characteristics to limit product losses during rain storms.
  • Palatable to help support sufficient intake of phosphorus
  • Contains rumen stimulating nutrients, which helps to increase the utilization of grazing by better rumen bacteria functioning

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Supply this product where sufficient grazing of good quality is available during the growing season.


This product contain NPN sources – read the NPN warnings before using the product


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