Poultry information day

24 October 2018
3 minutes

WORLDWIDE DEVELOPMENTS REGARDING POULTRY HEALTH AND WELFARE Speaker: René Heijnen - Poultry Specialist & Veterinarian 6 November 2018 09h00 - 14h00 Fern Hill Hotel Howick 8 November 2018 09h00 - 14h00 Willows Garden Hotel Potchefstroom

In many countries around the world there has been a move away from using antibiotics

in animal production and to change traditional production systems to more animal

welfare friendly systems.

Is this something that we should all be taking seriously?

Can it affect me?

The speaker will discuss the De Heus experience in Europe and other parts of the world

regarding the changes that have already taken place and what this could mean for

South African poultry producers. He will discuss measures that should be

implemented on farm when antibiotics are not going to be used.