
RumiComplete Phase D Pellets
RumiComplete Phase D Pellets - V28653
RumiComplete Phase D Pellets is a complete feed used in Phase D tests for stud animals and veld bull clubs. This product has been developed to be used while grazing lower quality grazing post-weaning (winter), or in a confined area (feedlot). When Phase D-testing is performed on good quality grazing, RumiLick Accelerator would rather be recommended.
Get in touch Where to buy- Phase D testing ration for cattle
- Can be fed limited or as a complete feed
- Pellets reduce waste
- Free flowing in self feeder systems
- Optimal development for reproduction
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Phase D Pellets are fed starting at 1,5-2,5 kg/animal/day on grazing, depending on the quality of the grazing and the targered growth rate. This product can also be fed ad lib on very poor grazing as well as in confined areas (feedlots), after a period of adaptation.
Follow an adaptation programme before animals are fed completely - see enclosed label.
This product contains medicaments and should not be fed to horses. Read the medication label for more information. This product contains NPN sources. Read the NPN warnings before using the product.
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